Today's my off-day, one that's probably sorely needed. I've gotten in about 10 miles of running since getting back to Denver and have been swimming close to 500m a day (swimming's coming along since DTC). I'll be getting in about 10 miles on Saturday as next weekend is the Canyonlands Half Marathon in Moab. Since getting back from Tucson, I've not really unpacked yet. UPS'd several boxes back including my bike, so time to get that reassembled, get organized and get a chance to walk a clean line thru my home. Before I get to that, a quick trip to REI is needed... dividend checks arrived last week! I didn't realize how much I spent there last year, but they made out on me - doing my best to help the economy recover :). I will say that the TriSports store in Tucson may have become my new favorite retail buying experience over REI (I've never shopped in my life, when I go out to a retail store, I go in to buy - don't know how some people go out and shop :)) My dividend check is healthy enough to purchase a cycling trainer, which is probably a bit late to be buying that with daylight savings now on us, but I figure I'll need it in the fall in Oct and Nov as we lose daylight hours. It'll be nice to hop on that for a few hours later in the evenings. Anyone out there have a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine trainer? If so, let me know your thoughts.
Something I've noticed since last week is my insulin sensitivity is changing rapidly. Last week, involved multiple daily training sessions - which is not something I have the opportunity to do during working hours. We had some great sessions with Dr. Matt on this topic and it's time for some basal adjustments. I've been waking up in the mornings with BG's in the 50's, something that always gives me a little pause due to some past issues I've had with severe hypoglycemic reactions in the mornings. As I continue to increase my base training, I imagine I'll need to continue to adjust the basal rates on my Medtronic pump. I've been addressing the past two weeks by eating more, but it's still not always working. I've never eaten this much in my life. Beginning to work on a plan for how to deal with insulin during my swimming competitions (training hasn't involved being disconnected from my pump for more than a half hour). The Medtronic pump is not water-proof, but I've found out the Animus pump is. I hate to disconnect my pump for maybe 2 hours or more as we wait for the start, then swim before the first transition station. I can probably throw the Medtronic in an AquaPak and tuck it under my wetsuit for Wildflower, Boulder and Ironman Arizona, but I won't have the wetsuit for the warm waters of Hawaii in May and there lies my issue. May explore what it would take to get an Animus pump - please help us out Medtronic! Going to talk to Dr. Matt tomorrow on whether experimenting with a Lantus injection the night before is doable - just don't like that option without considerable testing and I kind of hate to start trying that out... part of the whole reason I converted to a pump a few years ago. If that's needed, I'll figure it out, though.
I'm super-psyched to have the opportunity to be able to train with the coaching services of Colorado Premier Training ( leading up to Ironman. Huge thanks to Dr. Matt and Rick Crawford for getting this set up for the Triabetes team. It's even better for me since some of their facilities and coaches are right on the Front Range here in Colorado. Look forward to getting rolling with that and setting up a formal training plan.
All for now, off to REI.
4 years ago
Great reading your detailed posts Sean - nice writing style. I came home to an REI dividend as well... although mine isn't quite enough for a trainer. I definitely notice the same with the insulin sensitivity - it's going to take some more frequent adjustments.
Great to hear from you Saci. Hope the spring thaw has begun north of the border! Thanks for all the contributions you made down in Tucson in making that such an outstanding week!
Sean, I love your blog b/c I love hearing about your training. I'm so proud of everything you're doing! We've both been incredibly busy with our new jobs-welcome to life.
Thanks Ann, great to hear from you and see you out on a ride one of these days soon!
Great work Sean. Every day so far has been a day off for me since returning home, as I was pretty sick at camp and am only now recovering.
My dividend was only 6.97. I will use it to buy 3 gu
Kevin, if you use the 20% coupon, you may be able to get 4 or 5 Gu packs... lol
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